Out of the Box Teaching Trunk Available
The Out of the Box teaching Trunk is completed. The trunk uses the journals and letters from the Dodge family to teach students how to analyze primary documents. Extended lessons have students explore their family history. The trunk is appropriate for students 5th grade and older. Teachers, youth leaders and interested organizations can call or email HHS for more information on how to “check out” the materials.
Over the last 18 months, six local historical societies worked in partnership with Erie Yesterday and Edinboro University’s School of Education and History, Anthropology & World Languages Department to create traveling trunks, or museum kits, that take archival materials and artifacts outside of the museum and into the community. The Out of the Box project officially launched February 20 at Edinboro University’s Frank G. Pogue Student Center during a three-hour local history ‘open house’ for regional education professionals.
Photograph: Dodge Journal Entry, Friday 18” October
Fair and pleasant. wind in the west Pat. Hugh. Mike. James. the two thrashers and I thrashed oats we had a brakedown which hindered us some I let the men husk corn while they were fixing the machine In the afternoon Pat drove the mare to the buggy, to Erie to get some medicine for himself Ellises Mike worked in his place while he was gone Mike Martin while cutting bands with a knife, cut his leg very bad. he fainted once, I think he will not be able to do anything for some time. We had 165 bush oats thrashed today. I with the other boys went to the literary this evening. I made a speech and then occupied the chair as president Johny went to Erie on the wayfreight, after his cloths and came back on the 6 P.M. train