Harborcreek Township is located in Erie County in the northwest corner of Pennsylvania. Incorporated in 1803, it encompasses 34 square miles and includes seven miles of Lake Erie frontage.
The Harborcreek Historical Society is a 501c3 non-profit organization created to promote local history. With the help of the community, the Society safeguards and preserves history, artifacts, and memories of Harborcreek’s past. You’re invited to browse our displays, join us for programs and events, and use the archives for family and local history research.
Your membership helps preserve our heritage! Download a membership form, and join the Harborcreek Historical Society today.
Blue Star Museums is a collaboration among the National Endowment for the Arts, Blue Star Families, the Department of Defense, and museums across America offering free admission to the nation’s active-duty military personnel and their families, including National Guard and Reserve.
Harborcreek Historical Society is a Blue Star Museum.


Call for Artifacts for new exhibit to open summer 2025
The Harborcreek Historical Society is currently working on a new exhibit due to open later this year that will highlight Harbor Creek School District faculty, staff, and students who performed on the district’s athletic fields and courts, but not as athletes… as marching and pep band members, twirlers, cadets, majorettes, and color guard members. “Swirling, Twirling, & Marching” will celebrate the lengthy and robust histories of these programs.
In an effort to tell as complete a story as possible, the Society is reaching out to the community and asking current and past faculty, staff, and students, as well as parents who supported and/or led the boosters for these programs, to loan or donate photographs, programs, uniforms, equipment, scrapbooks, trophies/awards, other items and oral histories related to their personal experiences and the histories of the programs now through April 15th.
The exhibit is scheduled to run from summer 2025 to summer 2026. All loans and donations will be well-documented. The historical society is climate controlled and has appropriate security and fire protection.
Individuals wanting to contribute to the exhibit are encouraged to contact the society directly at (814) 899-4447 or harborcreekhistory@gmail.com.